
Minimally Invasive Specialty Center for Animals


The care of each pet relies on a concerted effort between you, your pet’s specialist, your pet’s referring veterinarian, and every individual involved in your pet’s appointment and procedure. Every member of your pet’s care team at MISCA will know and understand your pet’s condition and diagnostic or treatment plan. Please review your role in your pet’s care at MISCA by clicking one of the tabs below. Feel free to fill out a contact form on the Contact Us tab to request information or to ask a question. Your veterinarian can request a referral on the Referring Veterinarians tab. Your veterinarian will get a complete summary of your pet’s care at MISCA.

Although dogs and cats have equal rights at MISCA, we realize that the care and treatment of each species is very different. Please review the appropriate tab for specific care instructions. The care of each pet at MISCA is tailored to the needs of the individual, not just the species. Please discuss your pet’s special needs with your pet’s specialty veterinarian and care team.